Sometimes, you have to change. Whereas we are prone to notice negative features in other people, we rarely turn our eyes on ourselves to critically evaluate our behavior or personal qualities. In today’s world, it just doesn’t happen. Just think it through before you decide to go under the knife and get a boob job or nose job, because you’re beautiful just the way you were born. How you handle stress, and how much drive you have in life, can be deeply engrained, too. You know because you have a bad habit or 20 that you’ve tried to quit: smoking, overeating, saying negative things to your spouse, exceeding your budget. "If you're a Type A who likes things neat and orderly and always has a plan, it's unlikely you will become easygoing and spontaneous," Hershenson says. Sponsored: The best dating/relationships advice on the web. These are all examples and none of them pertain to me. 4. 2020 Bustle Digital Group. 20 Brutal Truths You Don't Want to Admit About Yourself Every like, share, and comment is a short-lived ego boost. "Why? And that's OK. If you want to change, change because you want to, because you feel like you need to, because it’s going to make your life better but please don’t ever change for people, don’t ever let people sway you into believing that there’s something wrong with you just because you feel things differently. Terms of Service, Never Change These 10 Things About Yourself, No Matter What, What’s Your Hottest Quality? Maybe you might need to change the way you act toward people. However, I’m not telling you to “be yourself” for you—I want you to be yourself for me. You shouldn’t sacrifice your soul to impress strangers. If you like to make piles, for example, you'll probably be a that way forever. Don’t let anyone change your opinion on a band or on another person. You don’t have to change who you are to please the world. They help you through complicated and difficult love situations like deciphering mixed signals, getting over a breakup, or anything else you’re worried about. But it's not worth it. 10 Ways to Stop Buying Stuff You Don’t Need . If you know you have a tendency to splurge on non-essentials, don’t tempt yourself with window-shopping or trips to the mall for leisure. Don’t let anyone talk you out of going after your dreams, even if they make a compelling argument. I need to learn how to stop procrastinating and do things that I really need … The things I’d like to change about myself – if there were something like a magic wand – is that I am hypersensitive. This advice is entirely selfish. So, might as well work it to your advantage. These things just seem to be hardwired from the beginning. Your style. You’re perfectly capable of landing the job that you’ve always wanted to have. We all know that naturally anxious person, who's been jumpy since day one. The right partner won't feel the need to change you. Don't get me wrong; this isn't always a bad thing. You immediately connect with an awesome coach on text or over the phone in minutes. As Hershenson tells me, this type of sensitivity doesn't really go away — which can be great, or kind of frustrating, depending on how you look at it. Y ou can’t change yourself, so don’t even try. Something I feel I do need to change about myself is I need to read more. Sep. 3, 2013. Maybe you feel like an outsider at work, at school, at your in-laws, or even at home. That can sound like quite a sentence. If you hate wearing little black dresses and heels, then you never have to wear them. Check out Relationship Hero a site where highly trained relationship coaches get you, get your situation, and help you accomplish what you want. "A lot of people want to change how they organize ... but this kind of change is hard to keep up," organizational expert Kelly McMenamin, co-founder of PixiesDidIt Inc, tells Bustle. Really hard. "Focus on taking it one day at a time," Hershenson says. You have to choose. Don’t let anyone convince you that you should hold yourself back from expressing your feelings, because it’s healthier to let everything loose. Aimless wandering leads to aimless spending. "It's better to embrace the traits you have been given (as long as they aren't unhealthy) than focus on changing yourself, because these traits are what make you unique. You might be the type to sit in a park for hours, contemplating the universe. As you get older, it’s hard to keep your carefree attitude. Many years ago when I decided to do my LLM in General Studies, I had the option to choose a concentration, e.g. All rights reserved. You see, what I learned in 2014 is there are so many incredible humans walking around out in this world. I know that some people prefer routine, and I think we all do, to a certain extent. I need to remember that anyone who doesn't love the me that I love just isn't worth it. You shouldn’t sacrifice your soul to impress strangers. That said, Derichs tells me many people have a natural tendency towards anxiety or depression, especially when it comes to how they relate to their environment. I personally need to change a lot of things about myself. But you know that good relationships have to start somewhere.. People seem to always think that reinventing themselves is the best thing to do when they find themselves in a rut. Your opinions. People want to change their location, change their friends, change the things they like to do. "Everything else, however, is fair game!". Well, maybe a tyrant or two. The greatest love you can give yourself is self-love, and the only person who dictates that is you. Stop thinking about the things you don't like about yourself and instead think of the things that you … Sometimes it’s for the best. ", If you're an introvert, for example, you can learn to love that about yourself and embrace it. You have to be willing to lose… 1. Don’t change yourself just so that you won’t be alone. Please don’t deny me, or anyone else you may run into, the distinctive joy of who you are as a person. If you'd really like to change something about yourself, don't give up. by Karen Dominique on June 29, 2020. Well, the answer is yes and no. Now, I don’t believe in … Holly Riordan Here are some of the things that I love about myself, and I challenge you to do the same. DMCA Policy What I mean by "preferences" are things like wanting to stay in versus going out, or making a decision based on facts versus feelings. Chill more often and realize it is okay to … With therapy, time, and/or more life experiences, you never know who you can become. As children, we often want to fit in rather than stand out. "Knowing when to be able to let go of your agenda and accommodate someone else is not easy for most people," psychic and spiritual counselor Davida Rappaport tells Bustle. Whether you are on a first date or a job interview, being prepared to share something interesting about yourself is an excellent icebreaker. you'll never be able to change about yourself, we all have the ability to better ourselves, what you find funny will likely not change, you've probably been stubborn for forever, shoulder all the blame when things go wrong. Staying the same may be disastrous. Just like you don't have to try to change who you are for them. Get the advice you need to … If you realize that you're unhappy, guilty and suffering with your current condition – you don't satisfied with your life, your career, your academic, your spouse, and any other things, then you need to change yourself. Your openness. ... Inc. helps entrepreneurs change the world. You are a great individual because you are a human being. Why You Don’t Need to Change Yourself for Anyone featured. You just have to assume that nothing is ever really private and conduct yourself accordingly if you don't want the skeletons in your closet spilling out one day. I know that’s not what the infomercials and self-help seminars tell you. "This is more about what you need to recharge your batteries and what gives you energy, and I would say this trait is very difficult to change.". "Your core preferences are almost impossible to change because they make you who you are," says author and life coach Kali Rogers. Our brains are wired a certain way and it’s really difficult to rewire them." The 20 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Yourself. "Tell yourself 'just for today, I won't engage in that habit.' Posted in Advice, Career, Family, Journey, Life, Millennials, Mind, Relationships, Success. Everyone has their own opinion, so there’s nothing wrong with thinking differently than your friends think. If this is you — you stick to your guns, and have trouble straying from your plans — you've probably been stubborn for forever. There’s a man out there that feels the same way as you do, but you just have to find him. You can find more of her nonfiction articles on All Women Stalk, The Talko, and News Cult. Don’t change so that someone will love you. Instead, you will continue to raise your expectations of yourself and continue striving to reach goals that are not at all realistic. Read on for a few things that may be difficult to change, as well as a few you just need to accept. But fuck it. It’s an important message, and one that most of us need to hear at some point in our lives. Don’t waste your time trying to achieve the unattainable standards that society sets for us. You should be happy that you’re passionate about something, whatever that something may be. When you feel like every day has settled into a boring, monotonous routine, then you know you need to prepare yourself to make a life change. You don't have to change anything about yourself -- just focus on the question "What is my purpose?" 11. Once you know that, everything else will fall in line. Here’s What Your Zodiac Sign Suggests, 12 Reasons You’re Single Even Though You’re A Catch, You Know You’re In An Almost Relationship If You’re Sending Him These Texts, They Might Not Seem Like It, But These 12 Things Are Emotional Abuse, 17 Life Struggles Of Women Who Are Naturally Loud, “Duty Dating” Is A Thing And You Need To Start Doing It ASAP, 14 Little Things That Look Like Love But Are Actually Manipulation, Your Drunk Self Is Your Truest Self, Science Says, It’s Time To Finally Give Up On That Guy Who’s Not Into You, I Was Emotionally Available Until I Dated Way Too Many Guys Who Weren’t, The More Amazing You Are, The Harder It Is To Find Love, Why Not Having Kids Is Something You Should Seriously Think About, 7 Subtle Signs You’re Hotter Than You Think, These New Dating Terms Illustrate Just How Awful Dating Has Become, Women Are Getting Married Less And Less — And The Reason Why Might Shock You. They’re wrong.You can’t change. Like a thirsty man in a desert chasing a mirage, or a fat man peering into an empty fridge—there’s nothing there. I need to stop smoking or I need to change my attitude or I need to stop hating my mom or dad or fill in the blank. Take a look at your life thus far, and assess how organized (or disorganized) it's been throughout the years. Focusing on getting rid of the habit forever just sets you up for disappointment.". If you cry during cute animal commercials, you'll probably always cry during cute animal commercials. It’s just not worth it. You don’t belong to your husband after you say your vows, which means you can keep your identity. I think we can agree that there are some things you should never change about yourself. It's a slow process, but we all have the ability to better ourselves — it we're willing to put in the work. You change the world not by pointing out what is wrong with it, but by upgrading your model of reality to coincide with what you wish to see in the world. But your friend would never dream of doing such a thing. There’s nothing wrong with wearing your heart on your sleeve. And I don’t even have the excuse of being Dutch When something angers me, I can explode, and regret it 10 minutes later. While you can certainly expose yourself to new things, understand more references, and become wittier with time, your basic sense of humor probably won't change much during your life. "But you're also likely a good listener and feel for others going through hard times.". Which is why it can be difficult to change, if you aren't willing to put in the work. But not always. You should never lower your standards, because you deserve the very best. You don’t have to look like a copy of every other girl in the world. You shouldn’t change yourself to get a boyfriend, to make new friends, or to try to raise your confidence. Feel free to change your hair color or length. Think about things like your sense of humor, or your Type A personality. Intellectual Property. Sign up Log in. I did not choose the concentration because I just couldn’t see myself being tied to one course. Here are a few things that you should never change about yourself: I mean, is it actually impossible to change certain things about yourself? Maybe you might need to change the way you act toward people. While it's always possible to work on yourself and make changes, deep feelings of introversion or extroversion can stick around. ... People don’t change, they develop and grow. A therapist and medication can work wonders when you're feeling anxious or depressed, so definitely don't feel stuck or like you'll have to struggle with these symptoms forever. Home Stories Quizzes Create Profile. Change is hard. These traits make you you, and they can stick around for life. "Innate personality traits are hardwired and often with us since birth or early childhood," therapist Kimberly Hershenson, LMSW tells Bustle. It involves being social, which can be daunting when you are engaging with people you don't know well.. Your excitement over your guilty pleasures. You have a choice: Either learn to accept them for what they are or change them. Be more sympathetic, listen when I’m at my worst and drop my attitude I apparently have. If I Could Change One Thing About Myself One of the most unpleasant feelings one can experience in life is being discontent with oneself. That is a quote I need to live by. If you’re against drugs and drinking, you shouldn’t date someone who pressures you to do those things. No one ever made a name for themselves by doing the same thing over and over. There are so many standards about the way you should look, talk, and behave. You’re beautiful just the way you are. Your name. It’s just not worth it. Don’t get embarrassed over your love of pop music or the Kardashians. Hurting yourself isn't a means to an end. To figure out which side you might fall on, take a look at how you handle conflict in your relationships. Just click here…. Your standards. Don't say you'd change your pants, your socks or your work ethic. Your looks. You… Don't stay in your comfort zone but always complaint this and that of what you're dissatisfied. "It can be annoying when your feelings are easily hurt," she says. Here are 25 things you should never change about yourself: […] It was at this point that my friend said something that changed my life; he said, “Take a hard look at the things you think you don’t like about yourself. This is not a judgmental quiz, but a personality quiz. "Whether you are often really serious or incredibly goofy, what you find funny will likely not change," Hershenson says. "I think it is difficult for an introvert to become and extrovert, and visa versa," Derichs says. Your attitude. Here are a few things that you should never change about yourself: Your morals. 6 Things You Should Never Change About Yourself For A Partner. Your pride “Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to change though, unless it comes automatically with age. If you'd really like to change something about yourself, don't give up. If you don’t want to change your name after you get married, you don’t have to. Don’t try to change yourself. From your little quirks and habits, to the larger pillars of your personality, there are some things you'll never be able to change about yourself. You have to let go. ... What do you need to change about yourself… Your dreams. We fight to be just like our friends, to look like them, act like them, talk like them. Still, don’t let your passions take too much of a backseat to your budding relationship, said Debra Campbell, a psychologist and couple’s therapist in Melbourne, Australia. At the end of the day, you won't feel happier with yourself. E.g. 10 Things It’s Okay To Change About Yourself For Someone You Love While you should never change your core identity and values for the sake of someone else, making sacrifices are a big part of a functional and healthy relationship. But if there's a trait you hate, like a tendency towards lateness or procrastination, you can definitely work on it. When taking part in a job interview, there are certain things you mustn't say if an interviewer asks you what you want to change about yourself. There are some people who shoulder all the blame when things go wrong, and others who deflect it at all costs. What 3 Things Would You Change About Yourself. What do you need to change about yourself? Set Short and Long-Term Goals. However, you should try to behave the way you did when you were a kid and actually enjoy every moment of life for what it is. Holly is a science fiction and horror writer, who has recently been published by Flash Fiction Press, Infective Ink, and Popcorn Press. Everyone wants to be loved, and people will do many things to get in the good graces of people that they want to love them. You’re about to embark on an adventure of sorts. You shouldn’t change yourself to get a boyfriend, to make new friends, or to try to raise your confidence. You’re beautiful just the way you are. It’s an inside-out job. By Paul Hudson. Keep Away From Temptation . Some of us are born fighters, always looking for something to bicker about or debate, while everyone else is retreating to the sidelines. Sure, you might learn how to relax and roll with the punches, but your underlying thoughts and annoyances will probably stay the same. Things that are attainable. As smart as we might be, sometimes we'll meet someone we want to be with so much that we find ourselves doing things we never thought we would. The idea is, you’ll help each other change for the better. I bet you've been consistent one way or the other. I need to learn how to stop complaining about stupid things and appreciate the good life that I do have. If you want to change yourself for the better, you need to have clear goals in mind about the ways you want to improve. Focus on the things that make you beautiful, caring, funny, loving, loyal, strong, trustworthy – the things that make you, ‘you.’ We live in a pretty messed up world. As Derichs says, "You most likely will always have your preference for how you manage conflict, but learning what to 'get into' and what to 'let go' of is very doable.". 1. "It's much more difficult to look at how our own behavior contributes to relationship problems than it is to blame the other," Derichs says. Be more dedicated, focused in whatever I do, stop being irritable or turning things around; just do it, the earlier, the better. If you feel like you need a change, don't hang around - do it. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been single or if you’re going crazy from a dry spell. If you want to change your life––to become the person you know you want and need to be––you don’t only need to master, cultivate and perfect. With therapy, time, and/or more life experiences, you never know who you can become. We often find ourselves in situations where we feel we don’t belong. Self-love and personal growth need to stem from the work you do to develop and improve your mental well-being. Along the way, you might make some great new friends, so it’s a win-win situation. “Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.” – Elon Musk. And that's OK. "When is comes to being introspective or a 'deep thinker,' some people ... don't have the inclination to go deeper to try and understand what makes them or others tick," therapist Julienne B. Derichs LCPC tells Bustle. 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