Why would someone text like,How are you today? Facebook, other social media and text bring out the worst in some people. A real person has the maturity to carry on conversation, message back when they can etc etc. If someone called me every day with the same stuff, that would get old fast. Both people only contact me or reply when they fucking need me. I do make time for everyone in my life, even if it’s for only a short time. You have totally highlighted some truth here. But for social conversations, I wouldn’t care so much about it. For me texting is like any conversation and deserves the same respect. I really don’t care if I come across as needy or a pest, I just text as I feel I need to. I heard a great quote a while back that I always think of in this regard “I own the phone the phone does not own me.” I think it is passive aggressive to not return a text to someone on purpose. My job requires me to be “on call” 24/7 with one weekend off per month. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; I’ve been waiting for my friend to text me back she said at 6 pm yesterday I’ll text you back but yet I see her on Instagram. I think nobody has the obligation to text back, even you. Ain’t gonna lie: I take full advantage of the fact I have T-nobile; but I do it because I really didn’t feel like responding at the time. Thank you, Chris, for saying everything I’ve been thinking about this topic! Besides if someone really liked you or wanted to communicate with you they would show up in person, and not send a juvenile text.      boring ingrained routine – away. I am going to assume that you not responding to my text means you want me to send you 10 to 20 more before you do. I barely text and here are my reasons why: 1. Maybe this guy just doesn’t stay consistent with his texting. I posted a response to someone and I can’t find it on this thread. Bye bye lovely Tinder date. Unfortunately, we dont have the technology to stretch arms across the country. Online they are sweet and perfect for one another. Well, perhaps, maybe they do not like to talk on the phone, but ignoring is a perfectly solution.. Your email address will not be published. Like an answer. At least a “I’ll get get back to you later” or an “okay” will suffice. Some times the text does not actually need to be responded to, but in general I think if a person does not respond, the sub-text is, you are not important. Nobody has to answer the phone, nobody has to respond to a text. We have a mutual friend and she has complained to me of the same thing happening. Thanks. last august 2015 i texted my aunt to asked her if she could petition me abroad.. i never heard anything from her since then, and this monday she texted me greeted me a very marvelous new year and sent me money which i never ask and expect.. so i brought up again the same favor i asked 4months ago but no reply at all.. even just to say no and give me the effin lame reason id understand!.. I had a situation with a lady I’m dating the other day, where she got back from holiday and sent me a message on Facebook. If you ignore them they’ll care about you more then they did before. My attitude was like, if you’re going to be passive-aggressive, so will I. Click. In this day and age, it is sad that can be misunderstood. But as well to there other friends. He lives w his dad and new step mother. Male I don’t know where we are going, but certainly not to a good place. It’s that I (and believe there’s many others too) only use my phone to make quick calls during the day. People will automatically be texting and answering texts by donating to the charity of their choice by completing real-time 2-way surveys because their answers generate donations. That being said, if they really are just busy, and you really do need a response ASAP, sending a follow-up text can act as an easy reminder. i don’t like using text and email for communication because it feels so cold. As if you read my text message, swiftly responded, dropped your phone and then ran away. Many of us can relate to that frustrating feeling of being ignored! Aside from my husband, I do not feel obligated to respond instantly to texts from friends or relatives who are just checking in on me to chat. Text is not always the most reliable method. can’t even reply a ok? © Copyright 2020 Text Weapon. Need some inspiration? We all sooner or later come across people who write novels through text. Fuck, finally someone writes what I and im sure many others are thinking and feeling. I sent him a first text after 30 days. Texting is the best form of communication to my friends for me, because they all live very far away, so physical communication is never an option. Hi Lisa, I think that is a great example. (Consider that a text back!). Phones shouldn’t be allowed on jobsites. I think that technology is good and bad. Cell phones are used mainly for personal texting, rather than working. I suggest buying your own domain name and not using sites like blogger. Thanks for ignoring my calls and texts while updating your Facebook multiple times. Five rules for reeling them in. And I prefer it when people return that favor because what I find even more annoying then people not responding immediately is when people answer the phone/text back and say “I can’t talk right now”. Go out with your friends. to be fair, I would rather someone call me than text me. Don’t take it to heart my friend. I have a neighbor that is a neurotic housewife, she would text me at all hours, run on paragraphs, because each segment would have multiple subjects within them. Thank you for this comment:-) , I can never ignore someone’s msg especially if I care for them . I always apologize if my friend gets a one week delay response. And I’ve tried the approach of letting people know directly that I don’t want as much contact only to find them get offended. Anyway, if you have any recommendations or tips for new blog owners please share. Does anyone’s else friends ignore them for weeks or months or just never respond? People who think they need to text every day “How is your day?”. I do my best to accommodate my friends, families, colleagues and community members boundaries and their needs for a communication response within a mutual understanding of a good response time. BULLLSHIT. At one point I asked him why he didn’t text me for so long and he claimed that he was just “busy”. You are worth more than that and are no less worthy of love whether a friend or more because someone has THEIR own issues. Violate them, and you’ll be How likely is it that someone would not receive a message, and wouldn’t they get it eventually? But if you call, I can press the button on my headset and converse. funny is that when they text you they expect the reply. That’s cool, hope you didn’t hit your head! If a person can not understand the lifestyle I live and my personal boundaries around the way I communicate, I can not then feel guilty if they have a negative reaction to the way I respond or communicate via phone, text or email in regards to a response time.. Anyway, it’s not about you. Hey there excellent blog! It is one of the lowest forms of communications that has become common place. This is the dopest post ahahaha. Tips on how to make yourself a “must have”. II try not to text people I know aren’t very into cell phone or technology even though they have smart phones (like my one coworker…I may text her from time to time when I find something funny I want to share but I don’t text her often). You bring forth some very valid points. Be casual and happy. The fact that a person does not respond is a message, the sub-text is, I am not interested, leave me alone! Some of us spend hours a day commuting in a car, so I get that it’s boring and it’s rush hour. amzn_assoc_asins = "0062457713,1577314808,0060628626,1401953115"; Very creative (: Thank you. Itwould literally be like walking away from a person in mid-convo. And texting/answering the phone while in the company of others …(at dinner/lunch) demonstrates that YOU are the one being rude. Watch your back! It made me wonder if she didn’t want others to know she communicates with me, lol. I’m better than everyone else and if I feel like answering I will, if not they need to deal with it. exactly my thoughts. personally i email him on Google hang outs everyday as normal and send him a few text through out the day just to tell him that our children and i love him and i call once every day or so. I can relate a lot to your 8th point. I don’t have any time to feel pissed off lol. Some times they will respond if they have some time to fill, and other times you cease to be a priority. I don’t text. I got hit by a guy once because texting was more important than my life apparently. its been like 12 days and i still havent gotten a text back, im gonna try and say, ” i have a question” and see if she responds and if she does im gonna say, “oh, there never was a question, i was just trying to see if you are purposely ingoring me, and i guess you are”, or the other infamous approach …. These people see you as microscopic get a good job dress good better car nice house and see if they still ignore you that’s how you know they are only superficial, Have you noticed that change in your own life? I don’t answer my phone when Im out for dinner or spending time with people. [8] They just installed the new iOS and lost all their contacts (yes, even your precious contact info). People feel they can text message and email a person when ever they feel like it or when they have time and they don’t think about how it will affect the other person. Why doesn’t she ever respond to me anymore? If you have thatcrucial a text message to get out, pull over and send it. Im a heavy texter. Making us feel like pieces of shit over it is wrong. i like old fashioned letters and landline calls or at least cell calls with a msg. Either way just don’t respond to them and when they finally do drop u a line just wait a few days and be simply uninterested in whatever it is.so they know how it feels to not matter.. A handful of times I have hung out with someone who is in my field. Yes, some people just genuinely dont like it. They both have the "old school" Internet that would take forever to load and then say "You've Got Mail!" All messages are sort of an obligation for me to do and to give to someone. I don’t give out my # because I want to be bothered by people, I give it out because I want to connect. Opinions – what if they say they never got the message? It’s not the medium, it’s the person. Okay so the guy I like said he was sick and the day after I did not see him at school so I texted him hey are u still sick I hope ur okay and he seen but never replayed and after that I was like well he is sick so I brushed it off and than he got on twenty minutes ago but did not say any thing so what does it mean. – Stop texting back so fast, I can’t even keep up with you. I have virtually no understanding of programming but I was hoping to start my own blog in the near future. SO I don’t text them again for months then they text me haven’t heard from you for awhile. I’ve tried calling her to see if I can get a hold of her that way but it’s the same thing. Im learning to control my thoughts when people dont respond. I think I found the only valid reason why people don’t return texts: They are inconsiderate humans. We live in a dumbed down world and this is the fall out from people growing backwards. Whereas someone you barely know will not know you and many don’t respect you right off the bat.. And the worst texting offenders are the ones who become most impatient and even angry (all caps, multiple exclamation points) when they text me and I don’t reply within literally a few minutes. When im a work, im at work i leave my phone in my purse. Anyone who chooses not to respond isn’t worth the time. Claudia, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. I think relatively, people have various reasons, or reasons at that moment, so these websites and article won’t give us a perspective, because naturally we lack perspective of what happens thus we are here….so we don’t find out online. I see my girl every day, but the hours that we are apart that I dont “pay attention” to her are tearing us apart. I’d rather be slapped in the face with the truth than ignored or lied to. . Then we wonder why there are no honest, decent human beings…. I always respond to texts or phone calls from family and friends. Hi I have lots of friends, but lose some for this exact reason. Its not a friendship at that point anymore, if they make no effort to contact you, then even as hard as it may be to let go, they already have. Instantly get the insider knowledge your competitors don't have by downloading this FREE report. This shows that this society have literally taken the basic values away. Angry degrading curses? That’s just reality. They won’t change. You can’t demand trust or respect from others if you don’t demand yourself to follow through accordingly. I work very hard at an intense job, and I enjoy it. This caused me to feel like I didn’t matter to her. You certainly weren’t born before the era of cell phones. Yes. I live in pain 24/7. What a joke. Start learning the art of French seduction – create real desire and watch No one should disturb me in my time of peace. The keys to unleash your creativity. I think you bring up a lot of valid points here my friend! Sending tons of positive energy your way. You will attract better people, and leave behind some of the not-so-great ones. They say that week they were having ‘texting problems’ and ‘…hope they didn’t miss a text or something.’. – They might be upset with you (what did you do this time?) And now you have the pleasure of thinking about me.      to help you become a better texter, and a better catch. Also I would’ve never made some awesome friendships if I was looking down. Noah wrote Allie 365 messages, so I think you can answer my text message. And if I respond, it will go back and forth and I so want it to end, and I was just happily working before. when you can’t see a face or hear an inflection. I know a guy that is too dumb to know he should answer. It’s always like this when you have something/someone you don’t care/want it but when you don’t have something/someone you want it so bad. In this category, you sort of like the person, but really couldn’t give a shit about their existence either way, if you feel like it you’ll message them back, if you don’t , you won’t but no fucks will be given about how they feel about your reply or lack thereof. My days are the same. She let me call but couldn’t bring herself to talk. It’s a matter of consideration/manners. If I can do it, everyone can do it. You can easily tell whether someone doesnt reply because they are genuinely/truly busy or they just dont like you or care about you. My supposed best friend has been ignoring my texts a LOT since she got her new job about 6 months ago. People always say that face to face is the best way. And in my defence, I do have friends and I do text them back within a 1 – 3 day timeline and received no complaints whatsoever. Find a better one that responds, remove the toxicity. So the rule of thumb is: two unanswered texts, and that medium has been “burned”. Field technicians will answer their texts when the company expert sends the fix to his problem. Good night.”. I don’t have kids, and I have noticed that women friends of mine with kids, some of them keep their phones IN THEIR HAND, or at least in their pocket every waking hour. You won’t have me as a friend any time soon. I have a friend who disregarded my messages for a day and a half. texting is a problem, and the people who expect sane people to codependent their illness should really just try to not text for one day. Thank you! I understand my friends are working and have families. Required fields are marked *. If its occurring often, they have a bf or gf, and are playing you, I asked a girl out who liked me and she thought it was my friend in the message, I told her it was me but she hasn’t replied since (it’s driving me crazy). If you want people in your life who can’t pull a little common consideration out of their a$$ then you go right ahead. And when we finally got answering machines, how often did you ignore the message? Now, I live in the countryside, where mobile signal is limited and mobile internet doesn’t load up anything. I believe that it is a medium like any other. One such job is that of an employee working with classified information in a SCIF. I think it is most effective to set aside a certain time each day to respond to messages. All the people complaining here, need to learn to be more autonomous and to pursue people who are genuinely interested, not obligate them because they have their phone on them at all times. Businesses will make it lucrative for people to answer texts through creative marketing…through new solutions NOW AVAILABLE in the innovative new enterprise 2-way text platform…businesses will make it lucrative for people and they will answer the text if it means saving time, effort, or money. Within seconds, they’ll text me back. >:D. Anyways, here’s my opinion on all of this (cause this is pretty huge topic it seems). Be independent, stop expecting! If someone couldn’t talk on the phone because they were at the dentist, or on public transport, and they could only text, would that still annoy you? My brother answers my texts about 1 time out of 20 and my texts are like three words, “You doing ok?”. I’ve personally let many acquaintances know that I’m not much of a Facebook person. I consider communication one of the basic foundations for any type of relationship, whether that be work related, family, friends, etc. Here are the top 7 (in no particular order) reasonable excuses for the dreaded no response to text: Are you asking yourself what are a few normal, everyday reasons for failing to respond to a text message? I was completely immersed in reading books these past weeks that I didn’t checked my phone. Show you. If I am chill, and text just once, then I usually get a reply. However, we all know that’s NOT what we are talking about here. Just don’t go calling them at 3 am and blaming it on this article when they get angry! 5. I believe we are in a bipolar space, where we swing from one extreme to the other. I know it might be hard to visualize that from where you standing right now but look to the future and trust that you have several amazing people that will be entering into your life. How old are you? She agreed to let me talk to her on the phone but it was only briefly. ‘I’ll get back to you later!’ will suffice! Perfect. Because those who doesnt care doesnt deserve your time and love and support that you are offering them. I just don’t understand people these days. !” or “OK…resigned sigh.” There’s loads of room for misunderstanding, misinterpretation, hurt feelings, etc. “I will drop the story.” I had the last words. I reiterate to them that I cannot talk and I will get back to them when I have free time. 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